3 Innovations Improving Safety Pharmacology Testing

Toxicology safety testing teams are under more pressure than ever from increased regulation, tight budgets and increasingly aggressive timelines. In response, forward-thinking toxicologists are deploying innovative methods to get more out of their testing strategies while staying profitable. 

Here are three significant innovations helping tox teams achieve more success. 

Simultaneous Testing of Multiple Endpoints with a Single Model 

Traditionally, cardiovascular (CV), central nervous system (CNS) and pulmonary tests are performed separately, with different test subjects, to ensure that testing activities for one type of study do not confound the results of the others. However, in many cases it is possible to design testing protocols that assess two — or even all three — of these safety pharmacology endpoints (CV, CNS and pulmonary) simultaneously in the same animal.

Simultaneous testing can help tox leaders: 

  • Reduce study costs and timelines
  • Gain better insights into body system interactions
  • Create less stress for the testing model
  • Reduce number of animals required for testing

Find test method details by downloading our Three Innovations Improving Safety Pharmacology Testing white paper. 

Automated Dosing and Collection to Improve Data Accuracy

As scientists, we take multiple precautions to mitigate the effects of interaction and handling that can confound data. However, manual or chemical restraint can make it difficult to interpret data and draw accurate conclusions. 

Now scientists can minimize animal stress and increase data accuracy by 1) using automated, intravenous dosing and blood collection systems and 2) employing wireless telemetry and pre-study subject acclimation procedures.

These approaches help:

  • Improve data accuracy by reducing stress of human interaction
  • Increase collection efficiency with a seamless transition between pre-dose and post-dose data collection
  • Offer more realistic physiological data by reducing stress in testing subject

Find test method details by downloading the Three Innovations Improving Safety Pharmacology Testing white paper. 

Utilizing Better Models to More Reliably Predict Effects in Humans

Predictions based on typical animal models can be misleading due to differences in human and animal physiology. 

Four new models — now in development — can provide better predictive value for human physiological responses. These models include: using peripheral pressure measurements in CV studies, introducing NHP models for pulmonary hypertension, measuring pulmonary pressure continuously, and combining pharmacokinetic and pharmicodynamic studies.  

Utilizing better models can help safety pharm professionals:

  • Increase accuracy of predictions about safety and efficacy of hypertension drugs
  • Improve understanding of chronic drug exposure by decreasing inter-animal variability
  • Make earlier, more informed decisions about drug development by measuring physiologic parameters simultaneously

Find test model details by downloading the Three Innovations Improving Safety Pharmacology Testing white paper. 

Does Your Safety Pharm Team Need to Innovate?

In an industry that is predominantly conservative and highly regulated, innovation is needed to get new products to market safely and efficiently. Download the Three Innovations Improving Safety Pharmacology Testing white paper for details about research methods that may help you find better, faster and more reliable ways to get the data that you need. 

September 11, 2017
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