3 Questions to Get Started with PFAS Risk Assessment

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ICR24's Top 5 Innovations for Enhancing National Security and Resilience

At the ICR24 conference, participants offered five groundbreaking research topics that each offered unique aspects to a successful national security and resilient future.
PFAS and Emerging Chemicals

5 Hidden Sources of PFAS Risk

Companies are exposed to many sources of PFAS risk—even if they are not deliberately using PFAS in products or processes. Understanding these hidden PFAS sources is critical to protect workers, consumers, the environment and the bottom line.

Battelle Sustainability Research and Technological Innovations Bolster Climate Resilience

Technology’s impact on the health of our planet is a double-edged sword. Technological advancements can help us create climate resilience solutions—but they also can generate harmful side effects.

The Adaptation Solutions We Need to Navigate Climate Change

Everyone is experiencing the impacts of a shifting climate and its effect on weather, food and water supply, infrastructure and more. To confront the problem, we’re going to have to make some changes – and adapt to changes that have already happened.
PFAS and Emerging Chemicals

SCWO: A Proven, Peer-Reviewed Solution for PFAS Destruction

Researchers at Battelle invented a solution to destroy forever chemicals—a burgeoning problem in our world—and now have another validation of its efficacy in a peer-reviewed scientific journal.
Photo: icr24 attendees listening to a presenter

ICR Conference

ICR's mission is to bring together the world's brightest minds to solve the greatest challenge of our time. The conference offers a curated technical program with invited keynote presentations, platform & poster reception.

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