Battelle Ready to Serve the Veterans of Honor Flight

On Thursday Nov. 3, starting at a respectful 0530 hours and well before reveille, Battelle staff will be meeting at the John Glenn International Airport in Columbus to support America’s Veterans of War on Honor Flight No. 118.
Since 2007, the Honor Flight Columbus has flown more than 8,600 veterans to Washington D.C. to visit the memorials and monuments dedicated to their service and sacrifice. The mission of Honor Flight is to help veterans share their stories and celebrate their service to our country with a proper homecoming that many of them never received.
Battelle is sponsoring Honor Flight No. 118 as part of its greater mission of applying science and technology into innovations that have a positive impact on the world. Battelle has always been committed to charitable giving to support civic and community causes, but this one feels especially important. Since improving armor plating for Allied tanks in 1939, Battelle has been steadfast in a commitment to national security and protecting the American war fighter.
In preparation for the Honor Flight, seventeen Battelle employees, many of them veterans themselves, met to discuss logistics and their roles as “Guardians”. They will be buddied with the Honor Flight veterans for support, with a focus on their safety, comfort, well-being, and enjoyment of the day. During the preflight meeting, one could hear the excitement and pride in each Battelle employee’s voice as they discussed the opportunity to give back to the veterans that have given so much for our country.
Honor Flight 118 will depart at 0800 hours Nov. 3 and return to Columbus at 2000 hours. Honor Flight Columbus is funded entirely by donations from various businesses, foundations, school organizations, and other grateful Americans. If you are interested in supporting future Honor Flights, please visit
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