Battelle Shines on Global Stage at the 16th Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies Conference in France

A contingent of employees representing all career stages from Battelle’s energy group recently participated in the 16th Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies Conference (GHGT16) in Lyon, France.
Hosted by the International Energy Association Greenhouse Gas R&D Programme (IEAGHG), an international technology collaboration program, the biennial GHGT16 convened researchers from across the world to discuss greenhouse gas mitigation, mainly through carbon capture, utilization, and storage.
Battelle was well-represented throughout the four-day event, with seven employees chairing technical sessions and making both oral and poster presentations. “We give updates on our research and efforts regularly, but conferences like GHGT16 give us the opportunity to share the progress we are making toward the mission of the regional initiatives by the Department of Energy to advance CCUS deployment with people working in capture and storage from across the world,” said Battelle Technical Director of Carbon Management Neeraj Gupta. “It is important as we are all working collectively toward a goal of global decarbonization.”
In total, the Battelle team made five oral presentations. Technical Director, Geo-energy Modeling & Analytics Srikanta Mishra made three oral presentations throughout the conference touching on topics including the Department of Energy’s Science-informed Machine Learning for Accelerating Real-Time (SMART) Initiative, CO2 detection, and machine learning applications in geologic CO2 storage systems. Reservoir Engineer Priya Ravi Ganesh and Environmental Engineer Deepti Krishnan Nair tag-teamed a presentation for the United States Energy Association (USEA) exploring CCUS-coupled co-gasification of plastics as a potential negative emissions recycling technology for synthesis gas and hydrogen production in the U.S. Finally, Subsurface Geoscientist Aubrey Collie discussed chemically-enabled CO2-enhanced oil recovery in multi-porosity, hydrothermally altered carbonates in the southern Michigan Basin.
Altogether, the Battelle team had nine poster presentations during GHGT16. Gupta, Subsurface Geoscientist Stuart Skopec, Marketing and Communications Specialist Joy Frank-Collins, Ravi Ganesh, Krishnan Nair, and Collie each presented posters related to work done for the DOE-funded Midwest Regional Carbon Initiative (MRCI). Additionally, Senior Research Scientist Sanjay Mawalkar, Ravi Ganesh and Skopec presented posters covering a broad range of topics including predictive analysis of pressure and temperature in carbonate reservoirs and machine learning based near-real-time leakage detection for caprock integrity monitoring in CCS operations.
Ravi Ganesh, Collie, and Skopec also chaired the Depleted Reservoirs & Injectivity, Multiphysics Monitoring II, and Other Storage sessions, respectively.
Battelle Presentations at GHGT16
Oral Presentations
Srikanta Mishra
- “Fast and inexpensive detection of CO2 front location using transient pressure and rate data.”
- “The SMART Initiative: Applying machine learning to enable efficient and effective real-time decisions for geological storage operations.”
- “Machine learning applications for geologic data integration and operational data analysis in geologic carbon dioxide storage systems.”
Priya Ravi Ganesh and Deepti Krishnan Nair
- “CCCUS-coupled co-gasification of plastics as a potential negative emissions recycling technology for synthesis gas and hydrogen production in the United States of America.”
Aubrey Collie
- “Chemically-enabled CO2-enhanced oil recovery in multi-porosity, hydrothermally altered carbonates in the southern Michigan Basin.”
Poster Sessions
Joy Frank-Collins
- “A case study in strategic CCUS communications across a 20-state region of the United States.”
Stuart Skopec
- “Assessment of storage systems in the Midwest Northeastern United States for large-scale CCUS projects.”
- “Development of acoustic emissions sensing techniques for tracing CO2 movement in Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage (CCUS).”
Priya Ravi Ganesh
- “Machine learning based near-real-time leakage detection for caprock integrity monitoring using distributed acoustic sensing (DAS) data from CCS operations.”
- “Developing infrastructure for carbon capture, utilization and storage – emerging issues.”
Aubrey Collie
- “A geologic complexity ranking system for site selection for CO2 storage.”
Sanjay Mawalkar
- “Predictive analysis of pressure and temperature in carbonate reservoirs.”
Neeraj Gupta
- “Examining the government-funded initiative dedicated to accelerate deployment of carbon storage in the Midwest, Northeast and Mid-Atlantic regions of the United States.”
Deepti Krishnan Nair
- “Developing infrastructure for carbon capture, utilizations and storage – Examples from the Midwest Regional Carbon Initiative.”

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