Here are 10 Solutions You Need to Know from the First Two Innovations in Climate Resilience Conferences

Following the recent conclusion of the 2023 United Nations Climate Change Conference, commonly called COP28, the world is again reminded of the challenges posed by climate change. We now turn our focus to the third annual Battelle Innovations in Climate Resilience (ICR24) to be held in person April 22-24, 2024 at the Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center, in Washington, D.C.

At ICR24, experts from national laboratories, academia, government and private industry will present their solutions in climate adaptation, mitigation and sustainability. Additionally, we will be discussing the intersection of policy and innovation and the need for action now.

This year, we’ve also partnered with the Wilson Center, the nation’s prestigious nonpartisan policy forum for tackling global issues. Together, we will bring policymakers and innovators under one roof.

"Now is the moment for us to thoughtfully assemble the intricate web of systems that contribute to global climate resiliency," said Justin Sanchez, Technical Fellow and ICR24 Conference Chair at Battelle. “It’s crucial for us to evaluate the choices we are making and understand when and how to implement them in a way that proves economically viable and promotes a sustainable future. The decisions we make at ICR24 will undeniably shape the course of climate resiliency in the years to come."

What have we learned during the first two Innovations in Climate Resilience conferences? Here are some exciting ideas and solutions presented at ICR23 and ICR22.

1) Solar Photovoltaic Resilience

A group from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) talked about solar photovoltaics durability and resilience and the learning curve that has informed today’s advances. In the tract Hardening Solar Technologies, you can see a video of their talk and their presentation slides.

a. NREL Presentation

2)  Grid Reliability and Resilience

When it comes to grid resilience, a lot of great ideas are blossoming into action today. A group from the University of Connecticut School of Engineering told us utility companies must deeply understand the cost benefit analysis of making significant investments in grid maintenance to ensure reliability and reduce storm-related power outages.

Another resiliency presentation that stood out came from Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) and University of California Berkley. They discussed climate-resilient power system expansion planning. Both presentations are available at the links below.

a. UConn Presentation
b. LLNL/Cal Berkley Presentation

3) Shoreline Resilience

Brett Vivyan, a civil engineer at GHD, gave us something to think about with his presentation, “Natural Shoreline Infrastructure: Adapting to the Future with Innovative Approaches to Shoreline Resiliency.” Slides to this nature-based solution talk can be found below.

a. GHD Presentation

Photo: register to attend the innovations in climate resilience

4) Nature-based Solutions

An NREL team framed energy equality and justice at the last ICR with their presentation, “Embedding Justice from the Beginning: JUST-R Metrics for Considering Energy Justice in Early-Stage Research.”

a. NREL Presentation

5) Fusion Energy

Dr. Tammy Ma, a plasma scientist at LLNL, leads experiments at the lab aimed at achieving fusion ignition using the National Ignition Facility. Ma, who appeared on “60 Minutes” to describe the incredible breakthrough, gave an illuminating talk.

Additionally, a panel of experts discussed repurposing coal with nuclear. Links to both are below.


Tammy Ma Video

Nuclear Panel Video

6) Human Health Solutions

Dr. John Balbus, Director of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of Climate Change and Health Equity, gave a talk about climate change and human health. You can see the slides to his presentation, “Putting the ‘H’ in Resilience: Integrating Health Services in Climate Resilience Efforts,” in the link below.

a. Balbus Presentation

7) Carbon Capture and Storage

Carbon Capture and Storage has been decades in the making and is now gaining momentum in the United States. Stephanie Arcusa and Klaus Lackner of Arizona State University’s Center for Negative Carbon Emissions discussed CO2 emissions as the main driver for climate change. You can see the slides from “Certified carbon removal is critical to an effective and resilient response for stabilizing the climate below.

a. ASU Presentation

8) Circular Economy

Battelle Chemist Erica Howard gave a presentation that centered on the need for plastic circularity to stop plastic pollution. Her slides, “Hydrothermal Liquefaction as a Tool to Enable Plastic Circularity” is below.

a. Battelle Presentation

9) Agricultural Sustainability and Food Security

A team of Battelle researchers presented on sustainable agriculture and food production, one of the big industries affected by climate change. Their presentation, “Encapsulation of Biologicals for Agriculture – Eco-Friendly Solutions for a Sustainable Future” is below.

On the same track, group research from GSI Environmental (presented by Kennth Walker) was the basis for a discussion of nature-based carbon storage in United States grasslands. “Practical Guidelines, Integrated Metrics and Statistical Methods for Quantifying Carbon Sequestration in Rangeland and Agricultural Soils” can be found below.   

a. Battelle Presentation

b. GSI Presentation

10) Built Environment Resilience

A team from NuGlobal Solutions worked on a compelling presentation in the track of Resilient Construction and Built Environment. Their slides from “Building Adaptive Capacity: Expand your coping range and strengthen your coping capacity” can be found below.

a. NuGlobal Presentation

We hope you will join us for ICR24. Abstract submissions are coming to a close January 15, 2024, so if you are interested in presenting your solution to climate change, submit your abstract today. Our early bird registration is available until February 16, 2024. The annual ICR conference series is unique in that it represents a confluence of opinion leaders and thinkers who rarely congregate at the same time to address the greatest challenge of our time. Let’s approach climate change from various angles and devise new, connected and comprehensive solutions.  

To see a full list of all the video presentations mentioned, click here

Photo: Register for the innovations in climate resilience conference

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