A Short, Explosive History of U.S. Missile Defense

A Brief History of Missiles and Missile Defense
Early Rocket Age
Dawn of the Missile Age

The Cold War: A Focus on Defense

Modern Missile Defense

Battelle and the Patriot
In 2013, Battelle worked with the renowned Patriot missile defense system, assisting on a noise problem on an item called the Modern Adjunct Processor (MAP). The MAP is a computer processor within the Patriot Modern Man Station (MMS), a station with graphic user interfaces (GUI) such as displays and touch screens. The upgrades to the MAP increase the computer processing power by several orders of magnitude. Battelle came up with a solution to reduce the fan noise in the MAP housing, earning it respect among the missile defense experts.
Battelle Today
Two-hundred years later, United States missile defense has exploded – literally—revolutionizing the way we protect the nation from enemy threats. Innovation is the cornerstone of Battelle’s 20 year work in the missile defense industry, providing technologies like missile lethality testing, instrumentation of target payloads, countermeasures and aero shells, and technology refresh capabilities, to meet evolving defense needs.
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