How TMX Software Empowers Connected Vehicle Realities

Connected vehicles are the future of transportation. 

Connecting cars, trucks and trains to a managed network increases safety on highways and roads. Technology can be used to reduce the risk of pedestrian accidents within busy or hidden crosswalks. With the right software, officials can optimize traffic flows during heavy congestion periods or re-direct traffic instantly when an emergency takes place. 

But how does all of this happen? How do transportation authorities implement connected vehicles within their transportation systems? The answer lies in an open software solution called the Transportation Message Exchange (TMX). 

What is the Transportation Message Exchange?

The TMX came about through the progression of Signal Phase and Timing, and Related Messages work happening within the industry. 

As these technologies began to mature, the Federal Highway Commission contracted Battelle to create something called the V2I hub strictly for roadside deployment. This project focused on establishing roadside messages and technologies to enable the infrastructure to “talk” to connected vehicles. The work required two important phases: an Integrated Vehicle-to-Infrastructure Prototype (IVP) development project, and a Vehicle-to-Infrastructure Reference Implementation (V2I RI) project. The IVP documentation and code is open source and available on the Federal Highway Administration’s OSADP website. 

The Transportation Message Exchange expands the roadside V2l Hub mentioned above into the vehicle. The technology is ready for roadside deployment and can be used to generate and prioritize in-vehicle messages.  

4 Key Benefits of Battelle’s TMX Software

As transportation systems evolve, it’s critical to ensure that we take full advantage of wireless technologies and connected vehicle systems. There are several key benefits: 

TMX brings the functionality of the V2I hub into the vehicle. The open platform enables the integration and use of data streams from multiple standards (such as Basic Safety Messages, MAP, Signal Phase and Timing within the vehicle.

The Transportation Message Exchange is hardware agnostic. The platform empowers connected vehicles to talk to a wide variety traffic management hardware and systems across traffic signal controllers, transportation management centers, pedestrian and vehicle sensors, road weather sensors and dynamic message alert signs.

Facilitates greater exchange of standards-defined messages. This includes things like Basic Safety Messages (BSM), MAP, and Signal Phase and Timing (SPAT). These messages can now be understood by vehicle on-board units (OBUs) and infrastructure devices.

Supports a Roadside Unit (RSU) or an On-Board Unit (OBU). The software is a flexible platform that can fit a variety of needs and scenarios for transportation systems.

Utilizes additional plug-ins for even greater functionality. The software translates information and data from multiple standards and protocols. Users can take advantage of data logging, data uploading, system management and monitoring and cloud interface.

Enables cloud-based management system for deployments. Connects roadside units, onboard units and the overall system to be deployed in the field via a cloud-based application. 

Want to Know More About Connected Vehicles

Want to know how connected vehicle integration can help you accomplish the safety-related goals of your transportation challenges? Download our whitepaper, Smart City, Safe City: Building Safety Into Intelligent Transportation Systems, to learn how new technology can be applied to bring about safer transportation realities.  

August 07, 2017
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