How to Bring COP26 Climate Resilience Initiatives to Life

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Investigation and Remediation

Timely Solutions to PFAS Contamination: Battelle Presented PFAS Remediation Technology to House Committee

The House Committee on Science, Space & Technology asked Battelle to testify at a joint subcommittee hearing about our extensive history of PFAS research and development.
Research Management and Operations

December 2021: What’s New with NEON?

This month’s collection explores how a tracer molecule can help explain carbon’s movement, a cost-effective alternative to lidar, and how a numerical response function can optimize system designs.

Conference on Innovations in Climate Resilience to Bring Meaningful Solutions to Life

Battelle has dedicated significant resources to convene the first Conference on Innovations in Climate Resilience, which we will host in Columbus, Ohio, on March 29-30, 2022.
Research Management and Operations

August 2020: What’s New With NEON?

This month, the National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON) continues to push the boundaries of ecological research and development.
PFAS and Emerging Chemicals

5 Things to Know About PFAS and Human Health

Because of the pervasive use and persistent nature of PFAS, there is widespread human exposure. Battelle dives into this topic in our white paper.
Photo: icr24 attendees listening to a presenter

ICR Conference

ICR's mission is to bring together the world's brightest minds to solve the greatest challenge of our time. The conference offers a curated technical program with invited keynote presentations, platform & poster reception.

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