These Charging Stations Don't Require Power Cords

In today's world of technology, someone is always looking for a cord or an outlet to recharge their device. But how do you "charge" a student's ability to learn? Turns out, with after-school learning opportunities.

A recent report from the STEM Education Coalition says that after-school activities based in STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) education should be thought of as a network of charging stations.

"Kids power up their STEM skills by plugging into immersive activities extending beyond the standard school day, including hobby clubs, after-school and summer programs, museums, parks and online activities. In communities without enough of these outlets, children miss the chance to charge their learning outside of school. That lack of STEM practice can have a draining effect on the knowledge and skills they accrue at school," states the report.

Three points the report makes are:
  • It's never too early to get children involved in STEM-themed education
  • Out-of-school learning must be a critical element in an overall strategy to improve STEM education
  • Out-of-school opportunities can power up both parents and kids

View full details about each of these, as well as what should be done to make sure informal education is a core aspect of STEM education policies, in the full report.

Battelle is a member of the STEM Education Coalition.

June 14, 2016
Battelle Staff
Estimated Read Time
1 Mins
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