Understanding and Mitigating Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) Risk

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Research Management and Operations

Dr. Kate Thibault Brings Long-Term and Big-Scale Perspectives to Battelle

The study of ecology is important at any scale, from the smallest mammals to continental carbon flux patterns. Dr. Kate Thibault understands this better than most.
Research Management and Operations

Women’s History Month 2024: NEON Enabling Innovative, Women-led Research in Soil Science, N2O Saturation Monitoring and Tree Species Evaluation

This month, in honor of Women’s History Month and International Women’s Day, we are spotlighting three news stories involving women in science.
Research Management and Operations

Project Manager Morgan Reed Took a Polar Path to Battelle

Learn how Battelle Project Manager Morgan Reed became an integral part of the Battelle ARO team.
Energy, Resilience

Breaking Through Barriers to Entry for Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) for Power Plants

Carbon capture and storage (CCS) can help fossil fuel-fired power plants meet new proposed rules for carbon reduction. Maximize benefits and minimize risks with a strategic CCS approach tailored to the unique context of your plant.
Research Management and Operations

February 2024: What’s New with NEON?

This month, we are spotlighting how NEON data are used to understand the relationship between tree density and soil invertebrate populations, determine factors of soil organic carbon content, and identify a correlation between taxonomic diversity and spectral diversity.
Photo: landscape of cormorant island

Polar Research Operations

We work with our partners to provide expert infrastructure and logistics support to academic researchers conducting NSF-funded polar studies.

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