Why are Items Flagged in an Effective Biosecurity Sequence Screening Program?

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A Conversation with Peter Tsai, Inventor of the Filtration Material in N95 Masks

We recently reached out to Peter Tsai, the inventor of the filtration material used in N95 and other respirator masks.

How Do We Know a Sequence Screening Program Is Effective?

Is your screening system that good or are you just that lucky? Is your system flagging the sequences it needs to, or are some sequences slipping by undetected?

4 Retirees Reflect on Their Time at Battelle

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Why Screen Sequences 200 bp at a Time?

Sequence screening is an essential component of any biosecurity screening program. Two-hundred base pairs (bp) is the point where accuracy and cost are currently optimized.

What are Biosecurity Sequence Reference Databases?

Biosecurity sequence reference databases are essential and contain all published nucleic acid or protein sequences, whether or not they are potentially harmful.
Photo: young scientist putting samples in a beaker

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