Showcasing Battelle Corporate Interns

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Battelle has a Rich History of Improving Golf

Battelle’s nearly 100-year history of research has yielded many notable successes, but did you know that scientists and engineers and Battelle have had a significant impact on the game of golf?
STEM Education

Battelle Regional STEM Grant Funds Winter Climate Program for Students in Maine

Battelle funds For Waynflete School science teacher Stephanie Dolan's winter climate STEM program in Maine.
Research Management and Operations

September 2023 What’s New with NEON?

We are spotlighting how NEON plays a role in verifying leaf area index, the abundance of liquid water in soils in Antarctica, and links between cumulative lignin and bulk litter decomposition.

6 Pathways to Decarbonization for the Power Sector

If new emission standards proposed by the EPA are adopted, CCS can be expected to play a large role in helping the power sector meet the 2035 targets.

An Interview With Battelle’s VP of DEI, Storm Woods: Why Battelle Should Be Your Next Career Move

As shared in a recent interview with, this blog dives into why Battelle was the right career move for Storm, and possibly for you too. Cleared professionals? You’ll want to read on.
Photo: young scientist putting samples in a beaker

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