Spallation Neutron Source Offers Up-Close Look at Materials

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How TMX Software Empowers Connected Vehicle Realities

How do you implement connected vehicles within your transportation systems? With a software solution called the Transportation Message Exchange.
STEM Education

More Manufacturing Opportunities Heading to Ohio

A team from Columbus State Community College won a 3-year, $800K+ award from the National Science Foundation to create a manufacturing institute.
STEM Education

Congressional Caucus Recognizes STEM = Jobs

Battelle joins U.S. Senator Rob Portman for a discussion on the future of education and we unveil a new report on Ohio’s 44 STEM schools

Sandsifter to Make Debut at Black Hat 2017

Cyber Scientist Chris Domas heads to Black Hat to share his findings from a deep dive into x86 processors using a new tool called Sandsifter.

Understanding the Barriers to Medical Countermeasure Development

There is an urgent need for new medical countermeasures for CBRN threats. Why isn’t the industry providing them?
Photo: young scientist putting samples in a beaker

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