What’s Next for the Zika Virus?

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A Short, Explosive History of U.S. Missile Defense

How did we get from “the rockets’ red glare” to modern missile defense? Find out with our infographic.

Are Counterfeit Circuits in your Electronic Devices?

Counterfeit integrated circuits, or fake parts, can threaten the safety, security, quality, reliability and profitability of a product.
STEM Education

New Leader for U.S. Army’s STEM programs

Here are a couple of the reasons we're most excited to start working on the U.S. Army’s STEM education programs.

Three Ways Encapsulation is Changing Agriculture

How can encapsulation technology make agriculture more productive and sustainable? Battelle Senior Research Scientist Ram Lalgudi has some ideas.
STEM Education

3 Great Ways Anyone Can Support STEM Now

We believe quality STEM education is one of the best ways to prepare children for life and work in the 21st century.
Photo: young scientist putting samples in a beaker

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