Tackling the Challenge of Mass Casualty Triage with Technology

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Medical Devices

A Custom Pill for Every Patient: Transforming Personalized Medicine with 3D Printing

For patients that require multiple medications, adhering to complicated dosage schedules can be difficult. But what if multiple medications could be combined in one specialized pill?
Medical Devices

Bridging Human Expertise and AI: The Future Is Here

The possibilities continue to expand for the future of human-AI teaming. Here's what Battelle Technical Fellow Justin Sanchez had to say about what's next for healthcare and AI.
Medical Devices

The Role of Systems Engineering in the Development of Innovative Technologies

When it comes to innovation, project teams encounter a host of unique challenges and unknowns. In these scenarios, a systems engineer's unique skills are vital to bring pioneering technologies to life.
Medical Devices

The Value of Systems Engineering in Medical Device Development

Medical device development is all about making the right product as efficiently as possible. Learn how applying good systems engineering practices can make projects up to three times more likely to be successful.
Medical Devices

New Perspectives on Accelerating Genetic Nanomedicines Through the Regulatory Pathway

Explore how we can accelerate genetic nanomedicines through regulatory pathways and pave the way for powerful, personalized treatments.
Photo: battelle human factors engineer designing a medical device

Medical Devices Solutions

From concept innovation and human centric design of new products, to device commercialization, and more, Battelle forges the path for medical device development.

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