The Next Frontier in Automation

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Virtual Reality: An Engineer’s Best Friend

There are limitations to what CAD software can show, but using virtual reality at the beginning of the design process can be a game changer.

8 Key Traits of a Neurobehavioral Testing Organization

Check out our helpful guidance about the traits developers should consider when enlisting an organization to conduct neurobehavioral testing.

The Real Impact of Dings, Dents & Cracks

There are thousands upon thousands of miles of oil and gas pipelines across the U.S. It is impractical to inspect all of them on a regular basis.

The Future of Autonomous Robots

Yesterday’s sci-fi is becoming today’s reality. But there’s a reason you don’t yet have a robot frying up your bacon and eggs in the morning

5 Ways to Avoid Device Development Disasters

New developments in drug delivery are creating opportunities for device developers. But the rush to market can make it easy to make missteps.
Photo: young scientist putting samples in a beaker

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