Seven Critical Agrochemical Formulation Challenges (And How We’re Solving Them)

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STEM Education

Battelle, Penn State Fund Professor’s Program, Partners with Morgan State to Expand Sounding Rocket STEM Program

Morgan State University (MSU) becomes the next school to launch a Battelle funded RISE program with the continued help of Penn State Professor Randall McEntaffer.
Research Management and Operations

May 2022: What’s New with NEON?

This month we feature a study that links severe drought and the West Nile virus, the discovery of new insect species, and a thorough dissection of how NEON is critical in supporting disaster research.

PFAS ANNIHILATOR® In Action: Total PFAS Destruction

Battelle demonstrates the destructive capabilities of the PFAS ANNIHILATOR® Mobile Unit at Heritage-Crystal Clean’s Michigan Industrial Site.

What We Need to Create Resilience in 2022 and the Systems-Based Solutions to Get There

The key to solving our current climate crisis is integrated, systems based solutions. Read Lou Von Thaer's thoughts on how we bring these systems together to create innovative solutions.
Research Management and Operations

April 2022: What’s New with NEON?

This month, we discuss how Battelle is partnering with Starlink, the development of a new microbial data processing package and how NEON researchers and students continue learning during the pandemic.

Inaugural Innovations in Climate Resilience Conference: A Convergence of Scientists, Government, Academia, Private Industries

The Conference on Innovations in Climate Resilience, organized by Battelle in collaboration with partners from U.S. Department of Energy national labs, was held March 29-30, 2022.

Battelle Computer Engineer Joins U.S. Cyber Team

Battelle cyber professional Chris Issing finished in the top 20 of the U.S. Cyber Games 2021 competition and will be apart of the U.S. Cyber Team for the International CyberSecurity Challenge.
Research Management and Operations

March 2022: What’s New with NEON?

For March, we’re featuring a study that investigated the impact of terrestrial ecosystems on climate change, a model that predicts mosquito threats and NEON D18/19 Assistant Manager Shalane Frost.

Service to Community Precedes Battelle Cyber Engineer Position for Kyle Bash

Battelle cyber engineer Kyle Bash deployed as part of Ohio Governor Mike DeWine’s authorization to activate guard members to provide response support to Ohio hospitals during the recent COVID surge.

Climate Resilience: Impactful Innovation is Needed Today

Battelle is calling for new innovative approaches to answering the critical climate questions that need to be asked so that our unequivocal climate change challenge can be addressed.
Cyber, Defense and Material Solutions

CANprotect™ - Making Sense of Vehicle Signals

Modern vehicles produce a lot of signals, but they’re not always easy to capture or interpret. Our experts have now created a way to make sense of these signals, and put them to use.
Medical Devices

Battelle Recruiting Participants to Test NeuroLife® Sleeve

A new Battelle non-treatment research project will explore the possibility of returning some hand movement to people who are living with paralysis due to spinal cord injury.
Research Management and Operations

February 2022: What’s New with NEON?

This month we discuss the addition of methane concentration to NEON data, how NEON data is training ecological forecasters, and how a NEON collaboration provided students with hands-on learning.
Medical Devices

Eco-Design Helps Medical Device Companies Meet Sustainability Targets

Battelle’s Eco-Design initiative takes a holistic approach to medical device sustainability to help companies find the best path forward with medical device design.

Two-Decade Project Paves the Way for Large-Scale Carbon Capture & Storage

The Midwest Regional Carbon Sequestration Partnership (MRCSP) has laid the groundwork for the deployment of carbon capture and storage technologies that may help mitigate climate change challenges.

How to Bring COP26 Climate Resilience Initiatives to Life

The United Nations COP26 climate conference wrapped up on Nov. 12 with several urgent global environmental commitments, pledges, and partnerships.
Research Management and Operations

January 2022: What’s New with NEON?

This month we explore how tree species absorb of carbon dioxide, how NEON data will help advance ecology, and a project that relies on NEON data to meet the demand for thorough soil analyses.
Investigation and Remediation

Timely Solutions to PFAS Contamination: Battelle Presented PFAS Remediation Technology to House Committee

The House Committee on Science, Space & Technology asked Battelle to testify at a joint subcommittee hearing about our extensive history of PFAS research and development.
STEM Education

Despite Pandemic, Creative STEM Learning Options Reach More than 800,000 Students

Despite the impact of the ongoing pandemic, Battelle’s Philanthropy & Education team found creative ways to bring STEM learning to over 800,000 students across the U.S. in the 2021.