Battelle UK 21st Anniversary – An Interview with Darren Grafham

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Research Management and Operations

November 2022: What’s New with NEON?

This month we highlight how scientists are using NEON data to find if mineral weathering can help tropical forests and how they can understand species invasion.

Battelle Ready to Serve the Veterans of Honor Flight

Battelle staff will be meeting at the John Glenn International Airport in Columbus to support America’s Veterans of War on Honor Flight No. 118.
Internships & Co-ops

Intern Spotlight: Battelle Welcomes Students Outside the Sciences

At, Battelle, we have more than just internship opportunities for the next generation of scientists and engineers. Hear from some of our past and current interns working on our corporate teams.
STEM Education

Battelle, Montana State University Team with Students on Yellowstone Microbiology Project

Battelle staff partnered with colleagues from Montana State University (MSU) to lead students on a project to collect microbiological samples in Yellowstone to advance biological processing.

Top 10 Reasons to Live (and Stay!) in Central Ohio

Are you considering a move to Columbus or Central Ohio? Learn why people choose to relocate to and stay in the 14th largest city in America.
Photo: young scientist putting samples in a beaker

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